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Training Companies

How your training company can use our learning management system?

If your company is engaged in business and specialized trainings in different areas, our learning management system will expand and enrich your opportunities.

Approximate reading time: 52 sec

Without putting massive investments, you will be able to offer your clients an easy and affordable option for elearning.

Our learning management system allows your training content to be shaped in the form of courses and offered online. You will be ahead of your competition, because this is a service that saves time and money, and content can be reused by unlimited number of students.

Our learning management system offers the following options:

"Live” learning: all learnings can be conducted online, so you can see and hear your clients.

Uploading learning materials (tasks and projects): they can be used by the trainer or by the learners.

Communication between learners during the whole learning period: it is achieved by three main tools – forum, chat and system for internal messaging.

• Additional options: their usage depends on your own preferences and learning aims.

Usage of different kinds of learning content (video, audio, illustrations, etc.): they make the learning process not only more interesting and interactive, but also aid the understanding of the learning material.

Regulated access to learning content: trainers can give learners access to the learning content for predefined time periods, even after the end of the training. 

If you are interested in our services or if you have any questions, you can call us at: +359 2 850 53 64, e-mail us: office@nitbg.com or fill in the contact form.

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