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Andragogy and e-learning - Part II

What are the 4 basic principles of andragogy?

In the first part of our article we introduced you to the main features of andragogy and how they can be used in e-learning.

Approximate reading time: 1m 26s

Today, as promised, we will present you the basic principles of Knowles' theory and their application in modern education.

1. First principle of andragogy.

Adults must participate in the creation and development of the learning in which they participate.
Both younger and older students should feel they are active participants in e-learning, but for the latter group, this is, definitely, much more important. They should be an integral part of curriculum development and implementation and assessment. You can achieve this if you ask for feedback - so you can create learning materials and tests according to the needs and wishes of your learners.

2. Second principle of andragogy.

Experience should lie at the heart of any learning task or activity.
What matters most in terms of andragogy is not the end result but the experience gained. Therefore, instead of filling your training with tasks that require memorization of information, you can create projects and activities that encourage learners to explore the issues in detail, thereby gaining the necessary experience.
In this way, adults can learn from their own mistakes and improve their skills. It is this trial-and-error method that makes e-learning much more meaningful and effective.

3. Third principle of andragogy.

Adult learners should be able to relate the topic of learning to real life and its application and benefits.
If they cannot see how a module or activity can benefit them, they will not be excited by the whole e-learning process. E-learning professionals can increase engagement by integrating scenarios into their courses. This way, learners will be able to see directly how what they have learned can be applied in real life.

4. Fourth principle of andragogy.

Enable older learners to assimilate information rather than memorize it.
Course content in andragogy should be geared towards solving a problem, as adult learners will always look for a way to quickly apply it in reality. Therefore, you should create activities that allow your learners to delve deeper into specific tasks, such as simulations for example, that allow them to store the information in their long-term memory through rehearsal and experience.

The above principles can be applied in any e-learning. With their help, it is possible for learners to benefit in a variety of ways, including by beginning to better understand key concepts or by beginning to retain the knowledge gained for longer.

Source: http://elearningindustry.com/9-tips-apply-adult-learning-theory-to-elearning.