Approximate reading time: 2m 4s
This change can lead to confusion, stress and poor results.
In addition to selecting the right information, attention should be paid to the visual space in which it will be presented. Visual contact is extremely important, perhaps even more so than the textual element, as it is closest to children's perceptions. Their visual world is linked to the only literature they are familiar with - fairy tales - and consequently, through this type of representation, they would feel more comfortable or, in other words, in 'their own waters'. Not forgetting the images that stimulate a better understanding of the material and easier memorisation. The transition to a serious and rigorous visual environment should be made gradually.
A good way to ensure a smooth transition from the kindergarten to the school environment is to incorporate games into the training sessions for the children. Games are not only good for holding attention, but also make it easier to grasp and remember the information given. Games support children's development by encouraging them to solve puzzles, use their imagination, develop concentration and analytical thinking. The Internet environment provides ample opportunities for the development of various entertaining games. Do not hesitate to use them to make learning for your first graders attractive and entertaining.
Other important elements to pay attention to when creating training for children are shapes, colours and sounds.
When creating training for first grade children, shapes play a big role. It has been shown that the shape that children perceive best is square, so aim to use square windows when presenting information.
The role of colours is not limited to learning their names. As well as grammar and spelling, children's colour perception needs to be developed. Choosing a main colour for the topic of study for first grade children is a very important point, as colours subconsciously influence the perceptions of youngsters. Yellow, for example, is very suitable as it stimulates thinking and brain activity, green calms and red causes excitement.
In general, warm colours are preferred by many designers of children's training and learning books because they make them more cheerful and welcoming. This is undoubtedly the case, but the deliberate use of only warm colours limits children's visual development. It is best to use tones from both ranges (warm and cool) to familiarize children with the beauty of colors and their possible combinations.
Music and sounds are very important elements for the perception of children of all age groups. The songs are suitable for preschoolers to learn letters, numbers, etc. In first grade, the curriculum content is already a bit more complicated and cannot be conveyed in song, but the inclusion of fun tunes can successfully cheer and unburden children and develop their emotional intelligence. Keep in mind that children are much more sensitive to sounds than adults.
This type of detail may seem superfluous to you, but it is extremely important for children's subconscious perception of information. They easily navigate familiar environments, they are not dominated by emotion and feelings, they are guided by the simple words "YES" and "NO".
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