Approximate reading time: 1m 26s
But where can you find high quality images if you don't have the budget? Today we will present 10 sites for free photos that you can use.
Tip: The sites we have selected contain free photos, including for commercial use, but we advise you to always check the licenses before using an image.
1. FreeDigitalPhotos
This is a site for high quality photos on various topics such as: metaphors, symbols, people, nature, travel, science, technology and more.
2. Unsplash
Unplash offers a huge collection of free photos that are periodically updated. You can search conveniently by collections, as the photos are the work of some of the most talented and generous photographers.
3. Pixabay
Here you can find free photos to download, edit and use for your training or presentation. There are no restrictions on commercial use, but some models or items may be trademarks.
4. Picjumbo
This free photo site is very easy to navigate and you can easily find photos by keywords. The categories are diverse - abstract, business, fashion, technology.
5. SuperFamous Studios
Here most photos are abstract, which makes them very suitable for training or presentation. If you want to use a photo, you must give credit to the author.
6. New Old Stock
If you are looking for historical photos, this site is the right place. Includes vintage photos from public archives.
7. IM Free
Here you can find a huge collection of photos from around the world. Some require attribution, others do not. To find the right photo, just type the keyword in the search box. The collections include business, technology, health, education and more.
8. StockSnap.io
This is one of the sites with free photos where you can search the easiest, as there are many filters for your convenience. You can sort the photos by relevance, date, number of downloads, etc. After downloading the photos, you can edit them, add text to them, etc.
9. Picography
On this site you can also find free high quality photos - from photos of animals to cityscapes.
10. Freestocks
The categories here are quite diverse - nature, technology, architecture and more. For convenience, there is a search engine with hashtags that helps you find popular photos.
Finally, we remind you that some sites with free photos to download have certain restrictions on the use of photos. Therefore, always check the licenses of sites and the photos themselves that you intend to use.
Source: https://elearningindustry.com/top-10-sites-free-elearning-stock-photos .