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How to keep the attention of your students?

5 ways to make your online training more successful

In the last few years, learning technologies have received great advances. With the advent of web-based applications for desktop and mobile devices, training has become a much easier process to organise and deliver.

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However, holding the attention of trainees remains a major problem. And as we all know, the success of training, to a large extent, depends on the concentration of the people involved.

To find a solution to this problem, we sought input from online training professionals. Take a look at the main tips they give.

#1 Online trainings should be short.

Divide your online training into short daily sessions. This way, your trainees won't get overwhelmed and will learn the material much easier.

#2 Online trainings should be tailored to the individual needs of the participants.

People learn differently, at different speeds. Unlike traditional trainings, online trainings are easily adapted to the individual needs, roles and needs of the learners. By creating a personalized map of their knowledge, you can easily track their progress.

#3 Online training should be interactive.

According to studies, even if the information in a training is presented gradually and in small portions, people begin to forget it shortly after the course ends. And more than 90% of the material will be forgotten within a month. Unless you apply some interactive technique. This will get your trainees engaged with the training material and strengthen their long-term memory.

#4 Online training should be fun.

Make the most of the benefits of online training and implement games in your courses. Through them, you will easily get participants to solve challenges, earn points or prizes, and compete against each other. They will have fun, feel good and relaxed during the training and will not regret taking time out of their day for it.

#5 Online training should have a long-term effect.

To begin with, online trainings are made to require frequent repetition of the training material. You can reinforce this effect by enforcing the solving of short and interactive tests at certain intervals. No training will have a positive outcome if participants fail to recall or apply the information they have learned.

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