Approximate reading time: 1m 50s
Each learning objective should include a structured but flexible process for progression.
Interactive learning methods include multiple objectives under one roof. They have one basic principle: without practical application, students often fail to fully understand the learning material.
How to apply interactive learning methods?
Students often lose interest during class, but interactive learning methods create an atmosphere of attention and willingness to participate. Therefore, make your lessons interesting, exciting and fun. Telling is not teaching and listening is not understanding.
What should you focus on?
- Encourage student participation.
- Use questions that stimulate response, discussion and hands-on experience.
- Use attention-getting devices.
- Create a team environment.
- Involve yourself and your students.
5 interactive teaching methods you can use in class
1. Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a type of interactive learning method that is usually done in groups. The process is suitable for generating creative thoughts and ideas. It helps students to bond and work together.
2. "Think, divide and share"
Ask a question and divide students into groups. Give them enough time to think and come to some conclusion. Ask each student to explain the conclusion from his or her point of view. Ask one of his/her classmates to evaluate what he/she said based on whether he/she was able to learn something new. Apply different variations of the process.
3. Informal discussion
In this interactive teaching method, students are divided into groups, and each group has to discuss a single topic. In each group, each student has to contribute with their own thought or idea. Encourage conversation and collaboration among participants in a group.
4. Discuss a real problem
This method of learning involves a format similar to real-life examples (case studies), but the process is less rigorous. The focus is on students learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. To this end, you can do the following:
- Divide children into small groups.
- Have them describe a real problem in detail.
- Give them time to come up with a workable solution.
- Questions and answers
At the beginning of each new lesson, but before you begin the actual teaching, have students write down 3-5 questions on index cards. Collect the cards and answer the questions.
6. Free resources
Increasingly, we need to use interactive techniques during online trainings to pique learners' interest. Depending on their age and interests, different online games, tests, surveys can be offered.
For example, you can offer a short survey that you can prepare in advance in one of the virtual event platforms and check what the learners have understood. Distance learning platforms and virtual classrooms are a necessity for any educational institution. Now even the youngest students are using online training and classes in the virtual space.
NIT-New Internet Technologies Ltd offers installation and support services for distance learning platforms. We offer consultation on choosing a distance learning platform, as well as training on using distance and online learning systems.
If you are interested in our services, please fill in the contact form below or contact us on +359 2 850 53 64 or email: office@nitbg.com.