Approximate reading time: 1m 31s
Their use is optional, but it is useful to know what role each of them plays in the overall design of the training.
Start slide
The first slide of your eLearning course not only welcomes learners, but also provides options for navigating the course modules. This slide can be static or interactive. Static slides include the course title and a brief introduction. Interactive home slides can include static images combined with video, animation, text, or audio.
Instructional slide
The purpose of the instruction slide is to help learners understand the general functionality of the course, how they can navigate the course, and what actions they can take. The instruction slide can be either static or interactive.
Static instruction slides can include arrows, exported text, navigation buttons, tabs, help buttons, etc.
Interactive instructional slides can include videos that show course functionality along with synchronized annotations and exported text.
The instructional slide may be optional for learners.
Learning objectives
The learning objectives slide gives an idea of what the online learning objectives are. They are usually represented by bullets and show what knowledge learners will have acquired by the end of the course.
Of course, the learning objectives do not have to be listed. You can also choose a more creative visualization option, such as a scenario, for example.
Content slides
Content slides are the actual content of your eLearning. These are the slides for informational purposes and include text, images, diagrams, videos, a scenario, etc.
To make your online training look consistent, you should use single-page slides.
Slides with exercises
The content slides are followed by the exercise slides. These are designed to help learners better assimilate the skills and knowledge imparted. Exercise slides should include content that has been previously presented.
Knowledge check
These are slides located at the end of each topic, module or course and on them learners can test their progress. They can look like standard tests or case studies.
This slide is the final assessment. It should show what learners have learned during the training. It contains questions from all modules and forms the final assessment.
Final slides
Final slides are found at the end of each topic, module or course. Their purpose is to briefly reiterate the most important points of the unit covered. The information is usually presented in list form, with bullets. They may include links to important parts of the training so that learners can recall the most important information.
Source: https://community.articulate.com/articles/basic-elements-of-an-e-learning-course.