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Navigating distance learning

7 tips for creating logical and correct navigation in e-learning

The navigation of your distance learning course is very important, as it will help learners move through the course and absorb the learning material.

Approximate reading time: 1m 26s

Therefore, it is important that they do not have difficulties when moving from one slide to another. Otherwise, there is a possibility of losing focus.

Today, we will present 7 tips for logical and rules navigation of your online course.

1. Use one way to move forward in the course.

Coursers will get confused if they have more than one option available for navigating forward in the course. Therefore, don't make the mistake of offering them a greater number of options. In addition, you might consider using an explanation that 'tells' people what the different elements of the navigation do.

2. Explain to learners how the navigation works.

It is a good idea to briefly explain to your trainees how the navigation works in your distance learning course. It doesn't have to be anything pretentious. Even a few simple text boxes with instructions and a few arrows pointing to different buttons on your slide will do an excellent job. The options to highlight are exit, help, and any other more important part of navigation.

3. Use clear and precise names.

To make navigating your distance learning even easier, we recommend using clear and concise descriptive names for links and buttons. It is much better to say "Exit Course" instead of "Click here to exit the course".

4. Use icons that are relevant to the content of your training.

Use common icons. For example, it is much better to use an arrow to indicate moving forward instead of a star or flower, which will confuse learners.

5. Use the same navigation for each slide.

It is imperative that you use the same navigation for every slide in your distance learning course. This is easiest if you apply the navigation controls built into your chosen template. When manually placing the navigation, there are often gaps and it can result in learners skipping a slide.

6. Allow learners to see their progress.

When trainees navigate the course and don't know how much material they have covered and how much is left, they can feel discouraged and disoriented. Therefore, it is good to let them see their progress.

7. Test navigation.

Before you publish your training, you should test all elements of its navigation. You can seek feedback from an acquaintance to see if he will encounter any difficulties. Be sure to check the links and buttons on each slide.

Source: http://elearningindustry.com/7-elearning-course-navigation-best-practices.

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