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Online course Change Management

How to make change management part of your business?

Are the resources that go into implementing business change really worth it? If you're wondering if change is something you can get behind, sign up for our online course.

You may know that if you have a team to support the change, it should be formed at the beginning of the project so that they can be involved from the initial phase and become familiar with the new processes and tools while they are being developed. Don't you think there's so much more to think about as you introduce change? The time of forcing change is running out, because it is obvious the benefit to the progress of a business when the changes made happen smoothly and deliberately.

In the training, you will have access to the following information:

• What is change management?
• What is the importance of emotions in accepting change?
• Who are the people you need to communicate the change to?
• What are the components of successful change?

The training consists of a theoretical part, an entrance test to assess knowledge, a final test for successful completion of the traini. 






Module1. What is change management?

Module 2. Sponsorship

Module 3. Changing the structure of the organisation

Module 4. Stakeholder Management

Module 5. Communication

Module 6. Training


If you are interested in our services or have further questions, please contact us at +359 2 850 53 64 or e-mail: office@nitbg.com

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