Начало Услуги Магазин Портфолио Клиенти Youtube

Online Course Commercial Mathematics - Mathematics for Salespeople 

Margin and mark-up, formula for trade mark-up, percentages

What are the basic elements of sales math, margin, markup, sales markup formula, how to calculate interest on wholesale and retail sales.


Welcome to the Commercial Mathematics training! You are about to recall basic problems related to fractions and percentages.

This will enable you to quickly handle calculations related to promotions. Whether the customer wants to hear the amount or percentage they will save or earn.

Training program

• Ordinary Fractions;
• Decimals;
• What is a percentage? Finding a percentage of a number;
• Order of operations;
• Conversion of common fractions, decimals and percents;
• Present and future values;
• Future value of money;
• Present value of money;
• Net Present Value;
• Risk and discount rate;
• Present value and rate of return;
• Calculating the present value of cash flows that occur more than one year from now;
• What is a cash flow?
• Types of cash flow;
• Cost Composition;
• Cost;
• What is profit?
• Trade mark-up and distributor margin;
• Steps in pricing policy;
• Steps in pricing policy;
• Steps in pricing policy;
• Visual illustration of pricing;
• Price formation within the pricing policy;
• Costs. Types of costs;
• Ordering, tracking, reordering and valuation of inventory;
• What is a cash receipt?
• What is an invoice?

Key terms covered in the training

• Sales;
• Margin and Markup;
• Price Grid;
• Trade Markup Definition;
• Trade Markup Formula;
• Margin Formula;
• Margin Calculation;
• What is Trade Markup;
• How margin is calculated;
• Materials on Mathematics for Commercial Activities;
• Help with percentages;
• Percentage Formula;
• And other important things...

How does the training go?

Each trainee receives a personal account to access the training. It is taken online, at a time and place convenient to the user. The only things needed are a computer/laptop and internet access. 

Check out the free "How to Do a SWOT Analysis" training on your company to learn what strategy you need to develop to achieve success

If you are interested in our services or have further questions, you can contact us on +359 2 850 53 64 or e-mail: office@nitbg.com.

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