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Online course Create the perfect event 

Online course for professional training events

Holding events is an important part of a company's or person's professional development. The team of NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd has the necessary experience and we know that organizing events - live or virtual, is not an easy task.

Introduction - in order to achieve the goal you want by holding an event, it is necessary to go through certain stages in which attention is paid to various details of the event. It is important to know the stages through which the organization of events passes in order to hold them successfully. Therefore, these stages should not be skipped or conducted without proper preparation.

Course objectives

It is this preparation that is the purpose of this online course. As you go through the modules, you will get an idea of what actions to take before you have even prepared the theory of your course.

In this way, you ensure the smooth running of your event and save yourself the time and effort (sometimes needed even at the last minute before the event) of running it. At the stage of taking feedback from the participants after the final, we have prepared a sample event questionnaire and a pyramid questionnaire for trainings. You can download the sample files and prepare questionnaires for you as well, according to the topic of your training material.

At the end of the lecture material, we have prepared a Final Test to verify what you have learned. You can take the test an unlimited number of times. To complete the online course, you will need to pass the test successfully.


A brief introduction to the topic and a list of the stages of organizing events: the planning stage; the stage of holding the event; the stage of documenting the event; the stage of collecting feedback from the event.

Module 1. Event planning stage. Planning in 12 steps

12 steps to follow to ensure a smooth event - what to anticipate?

Module 2. Event planning stage

What is the role of the event leader and how to finalise the event?

Module 3. Event documentation stage

Event evaluation and documentation - what do you need?

Module 4. Event feedback gathering stage

How do you plan publicity and feedback? Analyzing the forms after the evaluation. Requirements you can use for the forms. Sample questionnaires to guide you.

Self-preparation files

Final test


We wish you success in organizing and conducting training events!

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