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Online course Customer Management

Learn how to make your customers happy and satisfied!

Through the Customer Management training you will learn how to win, inspire, analyze and retain customers,

The Customer Management online course aims to achieve the high entrepreneurial goal of customer satisfaction. To this end, entrepreneurs, marketers, and salespeople strain every effort: to win the customer, to inspire the customer, to analyze the customer's behavior, to keep the customer, and if they lose the customer, to win them back. Analyzing in detail the basics of your relationship with your customers will help you succeed, whether you're in a large enterprise or working in a smaller company.

All strategies and measures, even when they concern the smallest technical detail in production or management, are only profitable when they offer a benefit to the customer. And that is the following:

• the speed with which a product is produced or developed; the quality of the product and the processes involved;

• the cost of both the product itself and its operation, maintenance and disposal;

• the experience during the purchase, i.e. the atmosphere during the search or negotiation process.

The customer must be aware of the benefits in order to be willing to pay more for them and decide to buy from a particular seller rather than someone elseг.



Content of the online course "Customer Management"

Part 1: The customer at the centre of entrepreneurial action

Part 2: How do customers think and act?

Part 3: How to win customers?

Part 4: How to inspire customers?

Part 5: When and why are customers happy?

Part 6: How to engage customers?

Part 7: How to win back customers?

Part 8: How to orient sales to customers?

Part 9: How is the customer relationship managed?

Who is the training suitable for?

E-learning has a number of advantages compared to traditional learning. The main ones are - you can take the training at a convenient time, in a convenient place for you - even from home. It is suitable both for people who are in entry-level positions in a company and for people who want to improve their customer service skills! 

Working with clients is extremely important for your career and even for improving your personal qualities. Don't wait any longer for your success, sign up now!

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