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Online Course Cybersecurity

Stay one step ahead of malicious hackers

Not only the human engagement with technology is growing over time, but also malicious attempts to attack and steal personal data, crack passwords, and spread viruses. Let us help you by providing the information you need to protect yourself.

What is cyber security?

Cybersecurity is the preventative methods used to protect information from theft, compromise or attack. Cybersecurity means understanding potential threats such as viruses or malicious code. Strategy related to cyber security includes identity, risk and incident management.

To date, cybersecurity is accepted as a critical element for most companies, which appoint a chief security officer specifically responsible for the effective protection of company and personal information.

Why cyber security training?

Our e-learning will prepare you for the dark side of the internet and turn you from a hacker target into a well-prepared and protected user, armed to repel any attack.


Content of the Cyber Security Training

Part 1: Introduction to Cyber Security

Part 2: Key threats

1. Phishing
2. Malware
3. Web-based attacksи

Part 3: Cybersecurity measures

1. Basic principles of cyber security

2. Organisational measures

3. Technical measures

  • Access Protection
  • Specific recommendations for COVID - 19

Part 4: Taking responsibility in building cyber security

  • Management Commitment
  • Employee participation
  • Employee awareness
  • Cyber Security Training
  • Matching the threat with the recommendations

Who is the training suitable for?

The course is very useful for both new employees and supervisors/managers. It is important to keep the cybersecurity knowledge gained up to date as new and increasingly difficult to detect threats emerge.

Be responsible to yourself and your employees. Be one step ahead by educating yourself about potential dangers and gaining the knowledge you need to strengthen your cyber security.

How is the training?

When a learner signs up for the course, they are given a personal account to access the training. It is taken online, at a time and place convenient to the user. 

If you are interested in our services or have further questions, please contact us at +359 2 850 53 64 or e-mail: office@nitbg.com

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