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Онлине Course Effective delegation for managers

Effective delegation - the key to every manager's success!

In this e-learning you will learn everything you need to know about effective delegation. You'll understand how successful managers do it and you'll be able to put what you've learned into practice, today!

As a manager, you've probably heard "You need to delegate more!". You nod your head and your thoughts begin to revolve around the most unpleasant scenarios - "If I give this task to someone else, they will neither do it well nor on time." or "My boss will think I can't handle it, so I gave the task to someone else... He will replace me."

If you've been in this situation, you're not alone. A lot of managers don't delegate for exactly the same imaginary reasons. The truth is, done right, delegation can help you and even give you a raise - the efficiency of not only your job, but that of your team, will improve significantly.

We say this so confidently because we know that delegation is the most effective way to increase the productivity, knowledge and skills of not only you as a manager, but also your team. Delegating non-managerial duties and responsibilities can free up more of your time for the tasks that only you can do. The person you delegate to will take on something that will develop certain skills they want to improve or acquire - everyone will be happy in the end.

Sounds super and easier than it really is, we won't lie to you

The process of delegation requires planning and consideration of the resources available to make it effective for both parties. The eLearning "Effective Delegation for Managers" aims to introduce you to what it is and how you can achieve it. By following our steps and tips while you are going through it, you will be able to apply the principles of effective delegation today!  



What does delegation mean?

• Contrast the definition of delegation with micromanagement. You'll find out what challenges you may face.

Types of delegation style

• We look at the two main leadership styles and their application in the context of delegation.
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of delegation styles, and when is it best to apply each. 

Principles and rules of delegation

• What are the fundamental rules and principles of effective delegation?
• How do we choose the right person to delegate the task to?

Delegation Process

• Once we know what we can delegate to whom, we get into the actual process to support the successful completion of the task. 
• What are the steps that a successful leader takes to make sure that the task will be completed in the best way and on time?

Benefits of Delegation

• The benefits of delegation are not only for the one who delegates, but also for the employee to whom the task is delegated, as well as the organization itself in which it occurs.

Delegation mistakes

• We look at the most common barriers to effective delegation of tasks. Mistakes that every manager has made at some point and techniques for avoiding them.

Intermediate Tasks and Exercises

• You'll go through a variety of small tasks and valuable techniques you can use in your practice today. 


You get a free bonus topic "Managerial Skills and the Art of Managing" with valuable tips and the secret skills of the effectual manager.

Management success requires the skill of clear and open communication, expressing gratitude, motivating your team, admitting mistakes and most of all, continually polishing your management skills. You will learn more about the skills and the effective methods to apply them in the training.

Check out the free training "Tips for Effective Delegation"

Check out our free micro-training "Tips for Effective Delegation"

Want more time for your managerial duties? Delegate. Don't know how? Sign up for the e-learning "Effective Delegation for Managers"!

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