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Online Course How to deal with negative comments on social networks?

One of the biggest challenges in social networks.

Did you know that people are more attracted to the negative and have a higher tendency to remember negative information? That's why they also tend to share it with 17 people, compared to positive - only 11 people.

Communication methods have changed significantly over the years. Thanks to social networks, today it is very easy for anyone to express their opinion on any topic. This includes opinions about products, services, brands, businesses, etc. Reviews about a product or service, as well as comments and complaints are no longer hidden, but public and not only the specific business learns about them, but a much larger audience of consumers and potential customers. All this leads to a new challenge for companies, namely how to deal with negative reviews and comments on social networks.

Did you know that when consumers share a negative experience on social media, they share that experience with 17 other people. Compared to that, users share the positive experience with only 11 people.

Did you know that people are more drawn to the negative and have a higher tendency to remember negative information? And most importantly, comments on social media can have a direct impact on the sales of a particular business' products and services.

In addition, the spread of negative comments can damage companies' reputations.

Need more convincing and facts about the importance of dealing with negative reviews and comments on social media?

We have pulled out many such curiosities and studies in our training that will make you think seriously about how to respond to negative comments.

To help you in this endeavor we have first explained in our training why negative comments are a problem for businesses.

To be able to respond to these comments you need to know what is going through the minds of consumers who read and write online reviews, and why people write reviews and comments. We've looked at the reasons that make people leave comments - some of these will surprise you, but they will also help you understand consumers and their behaviour.

Negative comments and reviews are not entirely a negative phenomenon, they have their pros too, which if you know how to use will work to your advantage.

People leaving negative comments are not a problem, but ignoring them is. In the training we show you the specific reasons why it is important to respond to negative comments. And a very relevant question - should negative comments be deleted?

And of course, we look at how to properly respond to negative reviews and comments. We'll give you specific tips and steps on how to respond to those comments. We'll also show you what not to do when responding to such comments. We will look at real examples of responses to comments. We'll also give you some sample responses that can guide you.

Last but not least, we'll show you how to respond to positive comments because that's important for your business too.

If you feel that all of these issues and problems affect you and your business, then sign up for our training. Invest in the success of your business.

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