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Online Course Microsoft PowerPoint Advanced 

Online Microsoft PowerPoint advanced self-study course

Discover what the world's most used presentation program has to offer. Let the advanced course be an octave towards your professional development.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful presentation design tool. Note: We recommend that you start with the beginner's course if you have little experience using the program. If you can create and set up text, infographics, tables, Smart Art, animations, this is the course for you. You'll build on everything that lays the foundation for PowerPoint. It's amazing how much can be accomplished with this seemingly simple to use program. Ready? Let's get started!

Course objectives

Основната цел на този курс е самообучението в онлайн форма за работа с програмата.

Ще преминете през модулите, всеки от които съдържа упражнение. Направете упражненията. Така ще придобиете представа за ефектите които бихте приложили на Вашите презентации. За Ваше улеснение, всяко упражнение е във видео формат. Също така, където е необходимо, за преминаването на урока има файлове за сваляне. Ще забележите, че някои упражнения са само за изработка на един слайд – инфографика. Съветваме Ви да използвате този похват на малко отбрани места във Вашата презентация.

Упражненията които са по-дълги – над 20 минути, можете да преминете с Ваше темпо. Други упражнения съдържат подробна писмена информация за определeна функция на PowerPoint, като Упражнението се намира след описанието.



Module 1. PowerPoint Basics. Let's start the advanced course.

Module 2. Working with slides. Some interesting features of slides.

Module 3. Working with text and objects. The combination that almost every slide has.

Module 4. Working with text and objects - additional exercises.

Module 5. Checking and customizing presentations. Security when working with PowerPoint.

Module 6. Presentation design. Learn about ways to add charm to a presentation.

For whom the training is suitable?

The training is suitable for users of the program with basic knowledge. The trainee for this course should be able to complete a slide relatively quickly and be able to navigate the program menus thoroughly. Also, it is suitable for corporate training of a large number of employees as the training format is distance learning. This means that the manager of a large team doesn't need to gather all colleagues in one place - anyone can take the course at their convenience and complete it with the Final Test. This will not interfere with other work commitments, making the course very suitable for Company Training.

In this course, we focus on the end result of a presentation. For example, you have text and images and want to animate them with a few animations to start and a few animations to exit the screen.

Even something as simple as adding an animation to the opening slide of a presentation shows precision and gives your slide a professional look.

In a professional environment, it's important to be prepared. That's why you'll find plenty of tips for giving a presentation in this course. We talked about this in the beginners course, and we'll go into more depth here.

With that, our online course covers the entire process of creating a presentation - creating the slides, animating, transitions, creating graphic elements, and finally, presenting.

If you are interested in our services or have further questions, you can contact us at +359 2 850 53 64, or e-mail: office@nitbg.com.


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