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Online Course Moodle Level 2 - "Continue learning Moodle"

The course contains video tutorials for advanced Moodle

The training is suitable for employees who have above basic Moodle skills

If you want to upgrade your knowledge, or that of your employees about Moodle, this is the course for you!

Often, lessons on basic Moodle skills need to be upgraded for employees who already have knowledge of using the system.

The training is designed for advanced

The training is suitable for anyone who wants to assess users, work with a virtual classroom, set up Moodle to receive notifications to track certain events, etc.

Requirements for learners

As in the beginner course, you are only required to:

• A computer or laptop for you or staff, with internet access provided.
• A basic computer literacy is sufficient.
• A basic knowledge of the internet and web browsers is sufficient.

Training programme 

If you want to continue learning on Moodle, sign up for the second level of our online course. If you feel that the program is complicated for you, we recommend that you take the beginner course first.


Level Two - "Continue Learning Moodle"

  • User grading - settings, pulling a report, viewing a quiz, manual grading, statistics, student folder.
  • Competencies - creating, setting up and assigning a condition.
  • Creating interactive content - interactive presentation and interactive video.
  • Settings to receive notifications on certain events.
  • Promoting social learning - introducing and setting up features for communication and interaction between users - forum, chat, wiki, workshop etc..
  • Adding gamification - workshop activity and games module.
  • Promote social learning - introducing and setting up functionalities for communication and interaction between users - forum, chat, wiki, workshop, etc..
  • Creating, importing and enrolling participants into a cohort/import. Copy one course to another.
  • Add a notification block.
  • Advanced question bank.
  • Getting feedback with the "Choices" activity.
  • Adding a virtual classroom.

Total: 31 videos. 

At the end of level 2, you receive a named certificate of completion for Moodle training.

Trainings are offered to organizations - schools, universities, companies, etc. To get an offer, you need to write to us, indicating for correspondence the official e-mail of your organization.

If you are interested in our services or have further questions, you can contact us by phone: +359 2 850 53 64, e-mail: office@nitbg.com or by filling in the contact form below. 

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