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Online course Nudges

Learn how to apply nudge theory

The nudge theory is a technique in marketing by which consumers are encouraged to perform an action in a subtle and casual way.


Nudge literally translates as "nudge". Combining this term with marketing implies the use of a gentle 'nudge' on consumer choice and on their final decision.

The power of nudge marketing, which relies heavily on the mechanisms of the human mind, lies in its unobtrusiveness and subtlety. The consumer is 'gently nudged' by the nudge technique and in no way feels forced to make a decision.

The training examines the application of nudge technique types in practical situations, providing detailed information on the nature and importance of nudge marketing. It helps in identifying consumers' extrinsic and intrinsic motivations, their basic wants and needs. Also discusses nudge techniques, which include rewards, incentives . The training also covers the topic of ethical and legal aspects. The trainees will learn about the rules to be followed when applying nudging techniques.

For whom the training is suitable?

The training is suitable for advertising and marketing professionals who want to understand how to create motivating and attractive campaigns that encourage consumers to make a purchase.

The course is also suitable for managers who want to apply the nudge technique to their employees so as to motivate them to achieve better results and to increase productivity.

Overall, the nudge theory training is suitable for any of you who want to learn the techniques and how to use it so that you can freely apply it in your personal and professional life.


  1. Nudge theory
  2. Examples of nudge
  3. Types of nudges
  4. Psychology of nudging
  5. Negative nudges
  6. How to use nudges
  7. How to respond to nudges
  8. Ethics and criticism of nudges
  9. Summary and conclusions


How training is delivered?


When a learner signs up for the course, they are given a personal account to access the training. It is taken online, at a time and place convenient to the user.

Upon successful completion of the training, learners receive a certificate.

If you are interested in our services or have further questions, you can contact us on +359 2 850 53 64 or e-mail: office@nitbg.com.

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