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Online course personal change management

Tips for achieving work-life balance

Some people cope easily with the changes life throws at them, while others get upset if they have to change even their usual breakfast.

The difference is in their attitude to change and the degree of acceptance of uncertainty.

There is plenty of evidence that people find uncertainty most stressful, not change itself. Very often, it's not the event but the fear of "What am I going to do?", "How am I going to cope going forward?" that people find difficult.

However, there are several skills you can develop that will help you cope with the changes in your life. We've gathered these, and many other useful tips, in our e-learning course "Managing change personally"

Content of the e-learning "Personal Change Management"

1. Main characteristics of personal change.

2. The change curve.

3. Resistance to personal change.

4. Prerequisites for personal change management.

5. What should you concentrate your efforts on?

6. The 7 stages of personal change management.

7. Tips to help you manage changes in your personal life.

8. 6 skills for better change management.

9. How do you achieve work-life balance?

10. How to deal with the stress of change?

Excerpt from the e-learning "Personal Change Management"

Personal change requires admitting your mistakes

You may have been wrong during an argument, you may have taken the wrong path in life or made the wrong decision.
No matter what the situation, if you can't take responsibility for your mistakes, personal change won't happen.
The ego is strong and tries to protect itself from change. It may interpret the situation in a completely different way from reality so it doesn't have to take responsibility.
Admitting that you were wrong and taking full responsibility for where you are in life is an action that many people find difficult.

How is the training?

Each trainee receives a personal account to access the training. It is completed online, at a time and place convenient for the user. The only things needed are a computer/laptop and internet acces. 

If you are interested in our services or have further questions, you can contact us by phone +359 2 850 53 64, e-mail: office@nitbg.com or by filling in the contact form below. 

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