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Online course Staff Motivation

How to motivate your employees and make them more productive?

Learn the basic methods of motivation for work and how to apply them in your team.

The eLearning "Staff Motivation: Inspire Your Employees" contains a wealth of practical information to help you motivate your staff and make them more productive.

You will learn why their motivation is often low, what are the main prerequisites for motivation to work, what is the so-called "motivation trap" and how to avoid it, what are the main methods to increase staff motivation and more.

Who is the training suitable for?

The training is suitable for company managers, heads of departments/teams, as well as for professionals who are about to take up a managerial position.


  • What is motivation? Why do employees often lack motivation to work?
  • Prerequisites for employee motivation: comfortable working conditions, guarantee of physical and emotional safety, feeling of stability and adequate pay.
  • What is the so-called "motivation trap" and how to avoid it?
  • Techniques to increase staff motivation.
  • How to find out what motivates your employees?
  • How to build good relationships between your team members?
  • Specific cases:
    • How to motivate an employee who is not doing a good job
    • How to motivate an employee with low ambitions?
    • How to motivate middle management?
  • Sample games to increase motivation for work.

Training includes:
Theoretical part: 8 modules
Examples: 2 units
Citations: 4
Conclusions: 8 pieces
Assignments: 9
Intermediate tests: 2 units
Final test
Total: 148 slides (theoretical part: 92 slides, first intermediate test: 17 slides, second intermediate test: 16 slides, final test: 23 slides).
Number of interactions: 878
Characters - presenters: 1 pc.
Characters in lecture material: 12
Additional materials: text file with statistics

The added interactive elements support the absorption of the material and its longer lasting memorization.

Case studies from the e-learning "Staff motivation: inspire your employees“

1. Илия е тийм лидер на ИТ отдела в родна софтуерна компания. Когато е недоволен от поведението на някой от служителите си, той го „наказва“, като му възлага задача, която намира за досадна или неприятна. „Наказаният“ служител обикновено намира работата за интересна и провокираща ума и възприема „наказанието“ на Илия, като награда. И вместо да промени поведението си, той го прави точно обратното – засилва го. В същото време разочарованието на Илия нараства, а програмистите не разбират каква е причината за това.

2. Миглена е новият мениджър на търговския отдел в голяма международна компания. За да мотивира служителите си тя решава да им дава бонуси за всеки допълнителен час, който са прекарали в офиса. Те, от своя страна, започват да злоупотребяват с възможността и остават в офиса за по-дълго, дори това да не е нужно. След два месеца отпуснатият на Мария бюджет се изчерпва и служителите й спират да остават в извънработно време, включително и в случаите, когато е възникнала кризисна ситуация.

Question: What is the reason for the resulting misunderstandings?
Answer: Elijah and Miglena fell into the so-called "motivation trap".

How training is delivered?

Each trainee receives a personal account to access the training. It is completed online, at a time and place convenient for the user. The only things needed are a computer/laptop and internet access.


If you are interested in our services or have further questions, you can contact us at +359 2 850 53 64 or e-mail: office@nitbg.com.

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