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Online course Training for trainers

Become a better trainer with our "Training for Trainers"

What are the main duties and roles of a trainer? Steps for creating and delivering training.

Training is designed to develop your ability to train others as an experienced professional: to give you the orientation, awareness and ability needed to fulfil this role and to support the development of your trainees. 

Contents of the e-learning "Training for Trainers"

  • Steps to create and deliver training. What should you do during each stage of creating your training?
  • Categories of 'difficult' learners and how to deal with them?
  • Values, style and skills of the trainer and its importance to the success of the training.
  • Microlearning - Commonly used training methods and their main characteristics
  • Microlearning - Valuable tips for training delivery.
  • Microlearning - What is a flipped classroom and how to use it? What is a virtual classroom and how to use it?
  • Microlearning - Why use games in your training? Advantages of Role Playing Games.
  • Microlearning - How to improve your mentoring skills?
  • Microlearning - How to build your online presence and create a successful business as a trainer?

How do you go about training?

Each trainee receives a personal account to access the training. It is completed online, at a time and place convenient for the user. The only things needed are a computer/laptop and internet access. 

If you are interested in our services or have further questions, you can contact us on +359 2 850 53 64 or e-mail: office@nitbg.com.



"Благодаря Ви! Обучението ми допадна много. Всичко беше много добре направено и поднесено по подходящ начин. Желая нови успехи!"

Бойка Велева

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