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Personal Selling Techniques Academy

7 e-learnings that will improve your sales skills

In today's market economy there is a lot of competition - competition of products, prices, brands.

Overchoice makes customers more picky and even fickle - if the product doesn't grab them right away, they probably won't buy it.

All this makes the job of salespeople quite challenging, but not impossible.

If you want to be a successful salesperson, you need to be able to sell, to persuade, to negotiate. You need to be able to influence events in your life. You have to be a salesman every day, every hour of the day.

To help you improve your sales skills, we created our Personal Selling Techniques Academy. We have prepared 7 e-learning courses covering the following topics:

  • Personal Selling Basics.
  • Techniques for making contact with a customer - creating a good first impression.
  • Basic types of sales questions and techniques for asking questions.
  • How to create a sales presentation that sells?
  • How to handle customer objections?
  • Tips for successfully closing deals.
  • Sample training games to improve your sales skills.

Content of the Personal Selling Techniques Academy

Training 1: Getting Started in Personal Selling

Module 1. Lies and truths about salespeople - What are the right and wrong views about the profession of "salesperson"?
Module 2. Controlling the present and the future - 4 useful tips on how traders can influence events in their professional life so that luck is on their side.
Module 3. Product and Customer Analysis - How can salespeople learn about the characteristics of the two main pillars of sales - product and customers?
Module 4. Communication Skills - 8 tips to better communicate with the customer and make more sales.
Module 5. Secrets of the most successful salespeople - 15 tricks used by the most successful salespeople.
Example - video

Training 2: Making contact with a client

Module 1. Main obstacles for the trader - What are the problems every trader has to deal with?
Module 2. Communication channels - What are the main communication channels (verbal, audio and visual) and how can salespeople use them to their advantage?
Example - video

Training 3: Information gathering

Module 1. Question Types - 12 of the most common question types, tips on their use and examples (including video).
Module 2. Questioning techniques - 8 tips for asking questions and getting more and useful information.
Module 3. Active Listening - What is active listening and tips for active listening.
Example - video

Training 4: Creating a sales presentation

Module 1. How to create a sales presentation? - 12 tips for creating a successful sales presentation
Module 2. Techniques for successful sales presentations - Verbal techniques, Non-verbal techniques, Creating emotion and more.
Module 3. How to deal with client questions - 7 ways to deal with client questions after the presentation.
Video - example

Training 5: Dealing with customer objections

Module 1. Why do customers object? What are the main reasons for customer objections. Positive and negative reaction to objections.
Module 2. How to deal with customer objections - 12 ideas to quell customer objections.
Video example

Training 6: Closing the sale

Module 1. Five steps to complete the sales process. - Ideas to help salespeople close more deals.
Module 2. How to successfully close more deals - 6 techniques for closing deals.
Module 3. What actions to take after closing the sale - What to do if the customer says yes? What to do if the customer says "No"?
Video - example

Training 7: Training games

Game 1. How to sell different products?
Game 2. How to put pressure on the customer without losing patience?
Game 3. How to sell an ordinary product?
Game 4. How to communicate with strangers confidently?
Game 5. How to make successful cold calls?
Game 6. How to keep your ideas flowing?
Game 7. What is important to the customer?
Game 8. Allowed and not allowed topics of conversation with a client
Game 9. Why is it important to research the customer?
Game 10. How to understand the customer's needs?
Final test - game to the "Personal Selling Techniques" Academy

How is the training?

Each trainee receives a personal account to access the training. It is completed online, at a time and place convenient for the user. The only things needed are a computer/laptop and internet access.

 If you are interested in our services or have further questions, you can contact us at +359 2 850 53 64 or e-mail: office@nitbg.com.

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