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Social learning

What is social learning?

In short, social learning is learning with and from others.

Approximate reading time: 1m 34s

Why is it wise to use social learning?

Advantages for students

According to one of the popular models for training and development:

• 70% of our knowledge comes from our practical experience;
• 20% - from our interactions with others;
• 10% - from structured or formal training.

Business benefits

Social learning would be useful for your organization because:

• Supports the creation of connections and relationships between learners.
• Enables learners to self-organize.
• Supports cooperation.

How to use the method of social learning in your organization?


Chat is a method of communication that provides an opportunity to answer questions or provide assistance. Learners can talk to people who have the necessary knowledge, receive recommendations, solve problems together, etc ..


Groups are effective because they can be specific.
You can create groups according to different criteria (training, position, experience). This will give your employees the opportunity to discuss the topics that concern them with the right people.


During the training (and beyond), all employees should have access to information that everyone should know.


You cannot 100% understand what your students want. To make your training more useful, you can do research to answer the basic questions. Which content is most interesting for your learners? What other knowledge do they need?

Frequently asked questions and forums

If you create a forum where your employees can ask questions and get answers, you will be able to easily promote the social culture of collaborative learning.


In-house Wikipedia can be a great source of knowledge for new employees or for those who are unfamiliar with every aspect of the organization. Experts will be able to edit the wiki content so that the information is always relevant.

Use the knowledge of experts

In your organization, for sure, there are qualified employees who know the answers to the most frequently asked questions. Create communication channels where they can use their knowledge to help others. Other users and experts can rate the answers to make sure only the best ones are used.

Gaming and prizes

You can't force your employees to learn, but you can give them the right tools and benefits to help them do it. Gaming and rewards are a good way to achieve this. They also provide an opportunity to track educational progress.

https://www.docebo.com/blog/what-is-social -learning-management-system /

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