Approximate reading time: 1m 3s
What is "visual thinking"?
The basic idea behind the term "visual thinking" is the transformation of textual information into text and images showing concepts and a flow of ideas.
What is common between "visual thinking" and online training?
Online trainings are mainly composed of visual elements and require the use of visual techniques to present information in a way that is less dependent on text.
How to learn more about "visual thinking"?
There are all sorts of great resources on this topic. For starters, we recommend you start with the videos below, and if you have a more serious interest in the topic, take a look at the books.
The videos are on similar topics, but we still recommend you don't skip any of them as they use different approaches. Of course, you will have to spend some time to watch them, but it won't be that much, and you will learn a lot of useful things.
Videos prepared by Dan Roam
How to Draw Anything
Essential Visual Grammar
Process of Visual Thinking
Videos prepared by Dave Gray
Visual Thinking Basics
How to Know What to Draw
How to Know When to Draw
Books on visual thinking and communication
The Art of Explanation: Making Your Ideas, Products, and Services Easier to Understand
Sketchnote Handbook: Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking
Beyond Words: A Guide to Drawing Out Ideas
The main goal of all of these materials is to get you thinking visually. And then, when you create your online training, to apply what you've learned. This will greatly improve their quality and success among your learners.
Source: http://www.articulate.com/rapid-elearning/essential-guide-visual-thinking-e-learning/ .