Approximate reading time: 3m 56s
If you've ever worked with clients, you've probably encountered a difficult client at least once.
What does a difficult client mean? No exact definition can be given, but generally speaking, these are customers who differ from others by their unusual, impulsive, sometimes even aggressive behavior. Most often, these people create tense and stressful situations with or without reason. Difficult clients can exhaust you and take more of your time and effort.
Difficult clients can be of different types - indecisive, aggressive, demanding, impatient, those who always complain and many others. There are probably as many different types of customers as there are different people.
Difficult clients require you to use some specific ways to deal with them.
In this article we will offer you 5 tips that you can deal with difficult clients.
In the e-learning "How to deal with difficult customers" , we look at much more - from the types of difficult customers, to the important skills of each trader to deal with them.
Are you curious? Let's start.
Tip number 1. Keep calm
Attention! This is the most important piece of advice, but also the most difficult to implement. Why? Because these clients with their words and behavior can throw you off balance, provoke you, make you nervous to the max and you will literally find it difficult to control your reactions when you encounter them.
But no matter how tempting you are, don't give in to primary emotions and reactions to respond to such clients. If you start behaving like them, for example, shouting, arguing with them, raising your voice, etc., it will only make the situation worse.
Therefore, the best thing you can do when meeting difficult clients is to be calm and neutral in the first place.
One technique that can help you stay calm in such situations is to breathe deeply and slowly. In this way you will normalize your heart rate and calm down.
When you stay calm, it is very likely that the client will calm down in response to your reaction.
Tip number 2. Listen carefully
This rule is valid for all customers and especially for the difficult ones. Even when the client speaks loudly and shouts, still listen to what he has to say. And not just pretend to listen to him as long as the number passes, but really hear what he says.
It's good to show him that you're listening to him, like nodding, saying words like "I understand.", "Yes, of course." You may repeat what the client has said, and in this way he will understand that you are really trying to understand him and that he has been heard. This is exactly what difficult clients want - to be heard.
Tip number 3. Be empathetic
This means trying to put yourself in the client's shoes and understand their point of view. If you show empathy for the client, you are much more likely to build a relationship with him and deal with this situation in the best way.
Remember that difficult clients are first and foremost people and share an unpleasant experience with you. Your task is to try to understand them and, if possible, solve their problem. Once customers feel your sincere desire for help and understanding, rest assured that they, too, will change their behavior and attitude.
Tip number 4. Don't take things personally
In order to deal with a problematic or difficult client, it is very important to remember that his behavior, attacks, reactions and words are not directed at your personality. He may be upset by the product, company, services, etc. It is even possible to have a bad day and just look for a place to let off steam. So don't take things personally.
It is good to use "we" instead of "I" when talking to the client to divert dissatisfaction with you as a person. For example: "We will do everything possible to solve this problem."
Tip number 5. Solve the problem
Even if you have followed the previous advice and the communication with the client has improved, the client is already calm and has changed his initial behavior, this does not change the fact that you have to find a solution to his problem. This is exactly why this person came to you - to solve his problem or situation.
The sooner you solve the problem, the better. All customers want a quick and timely solution to problem situations.
If you have specified a specific deadline in which you can solve the problem, then you must comply with this deadline. If you do not, the customer may be even more dissatisfied.
When it is not possible to solve the client's problem, you can offer compensation.
Difficult clients can be a real challenge.
But you should also look at them as an opportunity to become loyal customers if you manage to deal with them in the right way. There are many cases in which a dissatisfied customer, after being treated with the necessary understanding and respect and solving his problem, then he becomes a regular customer and can even praise your business in front of friends and acquaintances. So do not neglect any client, no matter how difficult it may be. Remember that there is always a chance to keep him and he will continue to work with you.
However, you should know that even if you do everything right and follow all the advice, there is still the possibility of not reaching an agreement with a difficult client. Sometimes, even if you put a lot of effort, these customers will not change their position and opinion. In such cases, just tell yourself that you have given the best of yourself, but it may not always please everyone. Do not despair and do not think that you have failed. Just charge yourself with positivism and move on to the next client you will succeed with. This is part of the business.